Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Possible Solutions...

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, which should never be the first solution
There are a few different steps to avoiding the risk of mass suicide:
1. Avoid Joining Any Cults- once you are in a cult it is not easy to get out of it and if they decide to commit suicide you may feel obligated to do the same. This is by far the easiest way to avoid mass suicide at all costs!
2. Have a Strong Personality and Foundation- Do not be easily persuaded by anyone person or group, you have to be able to make decisions and hold firm to each one.
3. Know Where You Are Going and Why You Are Choosing To Do So- If you are considering killing yourself in a cult, ask yourself why. If the reasoning is to get somewhere sooner, most likely you aren't even going to be getting there. If you are going to end your life to board a spaceship with aliens, then perhaps you should reconsider the real meaning of life. Maybe you have not yet found the ultimate reality and should not yet end your life. From a religious aspect suicide puts you behind the eight ball. It often times makes your eternal fate more questionable.
4. Being Rooted In A Meaningful Faith- Having something to live for is always a good things. However people and things come and go so living for them will only make you want to resort to suicide. Having faith in a superior being (hopefully, God) will lead you to a more peaceful life with an internal joy, if you are faithful and obey His commands. However, faith should never be taken to the level of dying for someone to prove your faith or to go join that person.
There are many even simpler solutions to this problem, but these are just good starting points when pondering mass suicide.

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