Monday, December 10, 2007

The Conclusion

Heaven's Gate Cult is the Unit
Mass Suicide occurs at the organizational level.
The two main concepts that play a huge role in the reasoning behind mass suicide are:

  • Anomie- a condition resulting from the absence of norms and moral guidelines in a society. These types of individuals tend to feel alienated, displaced, and powerless.
  • Social Integration- it refers to the degree of social bonding within a society.

Anomie contributes to mass suicide because one of the personalities that takes part in cults are those that are very adventurous and creative, but they are very isolated from society. The never seem to be content with anything, however they are constantly seeking contentment. As mentioned before, Heaven's Gate Cult formed a sort of fake family, although they lived together in the same house, they were still very isolated from one another. They hardly talked except for in their meetings, and most of their other time was spent on the computer.

Social Integration, in Heaven's Gate Cult, resulted from too much social integration. The members were to socially integrated in the cult, that they lost all ties with other healthy groups and friends. They lost sight of reality because they allowed for themselves to become so bond to a group.

Before entering a group or cult be sure to remember that there are risks involved whether you know it or not, so never let yourself become too involved with one thing. Review your motivation behind wanting to join the group or cult and be sure to do your homework before you make a commitment that you may regret in the long run.

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